Tourism with common standards in the Adriatic area: The Hamlet project presents the results of 3 years of work in Puglia, Albania and Montenegro
Online event Thursday 27 May at 10.00
Products and services offered with the same standards, identified by the same brand capable of identifying the peculiarities of the Adriatic area through a common strategy. This was the goal of every single action implemented in three years of work within the Hamlet project in Puglia, Albania and Montenegro.
The concrete results of this project, funded under the first call for ordinary projects of the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro 2014-2020 Programme, will be at the centre of the double online event scheduled for Thursday, 27th May 2021 at 10:00 on the platform Zoom. In addition to Pugliapromozione, the partnership counts on the presence of the Ministry of Culture of Albania (lead partner), in partnership with the Urban Research Institute of Tirana, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Montenegro and the National Confederation of Crafts and SMEs. - Province of Bari.
The first part (from 10 to 11.30 approximately) will be dedicated to the final event of the project (entirely in English). The introduction and institutional greetings will be entrusted to Aldo Patruno, Director of the Department of Tourism, Economics of Culture and Development of the Territory - Puglia Region; Entela Cipa, General Secretary - Ministry of Culture of Albania; Milena Ražnatović, Advisor for International Cooperation - Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Montenegro; Zana Vokopola, Executive Director - Urban Research Institute and Rosamaria Derosa, President - CNA Bari.
The presentation of the project results will follow. Elton Nino, Project Manager - Urban Research Institute will explain the objectives achieved on the cross-border branding strategy, IT platform and territorial mapping; Jovana Drobnjak, Financial Manager - Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Montenegro will report on investments in services for accessibility and tourism enhancement and finally Carmela Antonino, Project Responsible - Pugliapromozione will illustrate the services for sustainable development of tourism and support services for craftsmanship.
After a brief discussion, conclusions and future perspectives, we will move on to the literary talk with the 10 writers of short stories set in 5 Apulian villages (Bovino, Vico del Gargano, Cisternino, Galatone and Pulsano) selected through a call organized by Pugliaprozione last spring. In fact, the collection of these 10 stories has recently been published (downloadable for free at the link).
The talk will be an opportunity to hear directly from the writers what inspired them in the setting of the stories in the five Apulian villages and to appreciate the many emotional videos recorded in autumn 2020 during the guided tours organized by the project (videos are also visible at the link).
Here below the 10 Apulian writers and short stories: "Accadde domani" by Francesco Brescia and "La particella di Majorana" by Raffaele Niro set in Bovino; "Lo sguardo" by Grazia Daltilia and "Il bastone santo di Vico" by Federico Scarabino set in Vico del Gargano; “Fronte delle stelle” by Roberto Lacarbonara and “Ferragosto con Julian” by Flavia Pankiewicz set in Cisternino; "C’era una, due, tre volte a Pulsano" by Silvia Rizzello and "L’ultimo canto del gallo" by Tiziana Tomai set in Pulsano; “Cercando Torakika” by Francesca Maruccia and “Era di maggio” by Valentina Nicoletti set in Galatone.
For registration https://forms.gle/PzGtdZ8ZmcsaMxVg8
To participate in the event https://us02web.zoom.us/s/81290496133?pwd=VDRpR0kwS29BbnVyb1VKZlpwZWJHdz09#success
Meeting ID: 812 9049 6133
Password: 670283