Hamlet Plus Final Conference: Celebrating Achievements and Shaping Futures

24 November 2023
Hamlet Plus Final Conference: Celebrating Achievements and Shaping Futures

In an effort to bring together stakeholders interested in the cultural and tourism development of Puglia and Albania, the CNA Bari extends a warm invitation to join the upcoming final conference on 30th November 2023 in Bari. This final conference promises to be a day of insightful discussions and presentations, focusing on the results of the Hamlet Plus Project and the future prospects in the South Adriatic Region.

The event will kick off with institutional greetings to set the tone for a day of collaboration and exploration, expressing gratitude and providing a glimpse into what attendees can expect.

The heart of the event lies in the presentation of the Hamlet Plus Project results, with speakers including Blerina Kanaj, Vjollca Dega, and Grazia Petrosino. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into the key achievements of the project, spanning cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, and traditional manufacturing.

Loredana Campanelli, President of the CNA Puglia Trade and Tourism Union, will then take the stage to discuss the future directions of DMOs. The session aims to offer a clear picture of the trends and strategies that can shape the growth of these organizations, providing attendees with practical ideas for their development.

Aurora Losacco from the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg South Adriatic Programme will shed light on the new opportunities in the South Adriatic Region, offering an overview of ongoing initiatives and providing a glimpse into promising future perspectives.

Prof. Pierfelice Rosato from the Department of Economics and Business Management will delve into the systemic perspective of destination tourism offerings. The exploration will highlight unique challenges faced by Puglia and offer proactive solutions to enhance the tourism sector in the region.

After a well-deserved lunch break, Manila Benedetto, a digital and social media strategist, will guide participants through the intricacies of building a virtual tour and leveraging the social media reel phenomenon. The aim is to empower attendees with practical skills in virtual tour creation and harnessing the power of social media for enhanced storytelling and audience engagement.

The day will conclude with a collaborative creativity workshop moderated by Grazia Petrosino and Blerina Kanaj. Participants will work together to generate and refine project ideas, fostering teamwork, innovative thinking, and dynamic exchange of perspectives.

The event will wrap up with an interactive discussion session moderated by Grazia Petrosino, providing participants with a dedicated opportunity to engage directly with experts, fostering an interactive exchange of ideas, insights, and queries.

We look forward to welcoming you to a day of exploration, collaboration, and innovation as we collectively contribute to the cultural and tourism development of Puglia and Albania.