Agency Pugliapromozione is pleased to invite you to the “HAMLET Final Event and Literary Talk” which will be held on 27 May 2021 exclusively online.
The event is organized by the Agency Pugliapromozione in the framework of the HAMLET Project - Highlighting Artisanal Manufacturing, cuLture and Eco Tourism, financed by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme.
Sustainable tourism and the intelligent management of natural and cultural heritage will be at the centre of the final event which will take place online. Products and services offered with the same standards, identified by the same brand capable of identifying the peculiarities of the Adriatic area through a common strategy. This was the goal of every single action put in place in three years of work as part of the Hamlet project in Puglia, Albania and Montenegro.
The first part of the event (entirely in English) will be dedicated to the final event of the project and the presentation of the most significant achievements, such as cross-border branding strategy, IT platform, investments in services for accessibility and tourism enhancement and sustainable development of tourism and handicraft support services.
After a discussion, conclusions and future perspectives, we will move on to the Literary talk with the writers of short stories set in 5 Apulian villages (Bovino, Vico del Gargano, Cisternino, Galatone and Pulsano) selected through a call organized by Pugliapromozione last spring. This part of the event will be entirely in Italian.
Please find attached the Agenda of the event.
For any further query, please write to us at: progettispeciali@aret.regione.puglia.it
Join this online event! For a registration form, please click here: https://forms.gle/PzGtdZ8ZmcsaMxVg8
In order to correctly participate in the event, it is necessary to follow the following steps:
Download or update the Zoom PC/Mac software or the mobile app: https://zoom.us/download
Connect to the event by clicking on the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/81290496133?pwd=VDRpR0kwS29BbnVyb1VKZlpwZWJHdz09#success
Enter the ID and Passcode to access: ID meeting: 812 9049 6133 Passcode: 670283